Conference Evaluation

Please submit each relevant section of the evaluation form individually. For session evaluations you may also submit the form from the session pages.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
The conference provided sufficient opportunities to network and interact with others
The conference provided a forum to view and discuss state-of-the-art research
The conference topics were relevant to my area of research
There was an appropriate balance between science and other topics (i.e. commercialization, management, communication)
The flow and organization of the conference was maintained throughout
The overall organization of the meeting
The web site: Presentation of content
The web site: Navigation
Communications, before and during the meeting
The hotel (location, hotel room, service)
Meeting room (comfort, temperature, set up)
The food and receptions (quality, service)
Transportation arrangements and support
Responsiveness to special needs and requests
Overall, my rating of this meeting is
Tell us what we did right and what we can do better!